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91) But what makes Courtney especially dangerous is not that he abused his position as a doctor.
92) Okay, so perhaps he wasn't known as a big drinker, but what the hell?
93) But what was noticeably absent was any serious intra-group rivalry.
94) Something was very wrong, she could feel it in her bones, but what was it?
95) But what I really want is for the book to be read and enjoyed by the people who read the other books.
96) But what Rob admired most was that Albert was outside the official world.
97) But what happens to the real wage rate following a fall in aggregate demand?
98) One readily accepts this interpretative excellent, but what is the cost?
99) And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. John F. Kennedy
100) But what is still more astonishing is that what goes for individuals goes for governments too.
101) But what is life like for people living in rural areas who can't afford a car?
102) The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say. Anais Nin
103) It was a bleak existence, but what struck Joe was how easily he and his fellow internees became accustomed to it.
104) Seth: But what can be done to stop it?
105) Questioner: Yes, but what do you mean by change?
106) But what does the SPF rating really mean?
107) But what a shameless rewriting of history!
108) But what about the risk of currency fluctuation?
109) But what if she genuinely believed in the false claim?
110) But what chronobiology reveals is the importance of regularity in all aspects of your life and of learning to act in synchronization with your body's natural rhythms.
111) Our hotel room was decorated with flowers. Frangipani were changed daily, but what I really like is the little garden outside.
112) How forceful are upright words! But what does this reproving from you reprove?
113) U.S. debt is generally expressed in U.S. dollars, but what if we instead expressed it in troy pounds of gold (12 troy ounces to a troy pound) instead?
114) But what I'm not doing is feeling one way or another about it.
115) But what does the future hold for both him and the Merseyside club?
116) Certainly that was rationalization, but what is wrong with rationalization when -- the doorbell rang.
117) But what really helped me to come off at that time was, I believe, to view the history of philosophy as a screwing process or, what amounts to the same thing,(www.Sentencedict.com) an immaculate conception.
118) But what is so special about T206 Honus Wagner cards that helped them tout as the most-expensive baseball card ever?
119) But what today looks like a masterstroke that has catapulted BarCap from being an also-ran on Wall Street into a credible competitor could easily have turned out disastrously.
120) Programming was fun because I could make cool stuff, but what actually got me obsessed about it was suddenly seeing something interesting in the semantics and syntactics of the very lines of code.
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